Saturday, 11 August 2012

Out with the new and in with the old?

My good intentions have at least lasted 24 hours and day 2's workout is complete.  I discovered Bodyrock a couple of years ago whilst searching for an alternative to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred which I had completed.  Despite the dodgy camera angles which always seemed to highlight the presenter Zuzana's breasts and buttocks, the workouts were just what I was looking for, short and intense.  When I returned to the site yesterday I noticed that a new team seem to have taken over, daily workouts are still posted, and it's still free, but most videos are presented by Lisa.

I decided to get the workout over and done with as soon as I got up this morning, rather than putting it off indefinitely throughout the day.  What first struck me about the workouts from the new Bodyrock team was how much more complex they are.  Zuzana's workouts used to generally consist of circuits of 4 or so exercises, with the aim of completing the circuit a certain number of times as quickly as you could.  The workout I did this morning however consisted of 12 different exercises, and each exercise consisted of two or three parts!  For example, one exercise consisted of 2 squat jumps, 2 press ups, 1 tuck jump & repeat.  I found that whilst these combinations certainly got my heart rate up and challenged me, it meant the routine took a lot longer than 12 minutes whilst you read through each combination and tried to remember what it was. Lisa also used a sandbag for some of the exercises which I had to substitute a couple of dumbbells for which made the moves more awkward.

Once I'd finished I had a peek at tomorrow's workout to see what was in store and found that I required not only a sandbag put a swiss air ball, a dip station and something called an ugi ball.  I own none of these things and have neither the money nor the space to purchase them.  Lisa does demonstrate variations for the exercises without the equipment but it is often a case of substituting something you have already done.  I was also disappointed to see that she suggested if you didn't have a dip station for the pull ups then to substitute yet more push ups rather than suggesting a different exercises which would work the back.

After some online research I have found that all the old Zuzana workouts are still available to view on the Bodyrock site and she has also started her own you tube channel with new routines which I shall investigate.  The plan is now to dip in and out of whatever routines I can find that fit with the minimal equipment I have access to for the next 29 days, and then I will go back and complete the Bodyrock fit test I did yesterday.

I have finally managed to eat clean for a straight 24 hours and already feel a difference in my energy levels.  Feeling positive :-)

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